Resume at Interviews: Necessary or Not?

When preparing for a job interview, one question that often arises is whether or not to bring a printed copy of your resume. In today’s digital age, where everything is accessible at the click of a button, you might wonder if it’s still necessary to have a physical copy on hand. However, bringing a paper resume can actually be a smart move that sets you apart from other candidates.

A printed resume serves multiple purposes during an interview. Firstly, it acts as a reference document that allows you to quickly provide accurate information about your employment history and qualifications. It also serves as a backup plan in case of technical difficulties or if the interviewer doesn’t have a copy of your resume.

Furthermore, bringing a paper resume demonstrates your preparedness and attentiveness. It shows that you take the interview seriously and have taken the time to print and bring a physical copy of your qualifications. This attention to detail can leave a positive impression on the interviewer and help you stand out from other candidates.

In addition, presenting a printed resume can help refresh the interviewer’s memory about your qualifications. They can easily refer to it during the interview, leading to a more informed and engaging conversation. It also provides a break from technology, allowing for a more personal and authentic interaction.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Bringing a physical copy of your resume to an interview is still important, even in the digital age.
  • A printed resume serves as a reference document, a backup plan, and shows your preparedness.
  • Having a paper resume can help refresh the interviewer’s memory and create a more engaging conversation.
  • It sets you apart from other candidates and shows that you take the interview seriously.
  • Don’t forget to bring other essential items like directions, a professional-looking bag, and any other necessary documentation.

Reasons Why You Need a Paper Resume

A paper resume serves multiple purposes and can greatly benefit you during an interview. Here are some compelling reasons why you should consider bringing a physical copy of your resume:

  1. Reference Document: Having a paper resume allows you to easily reference your employment history and accomplishments. It ensures that you can provide accurate and detailed answers to any questions the interviewer may have.
  2. Backup Plan: Technical difficulties can arise, and digital copies of resumes may not always be accessible. By having a paper copy, you eliminate the risk of not being able to share your resume during the interview. It demonstrates your preparedness.
  3. Interviewer’s Copy: Some interviewers may not have a copy of your resume on hand. By offering a paper resume, you make it easier for them to review your qualifications during the interview.

Bringing a paper copy of your resume shows that you take the interview seriously and have taken the time to come prepared. It can help you stand out from other candidates and leave a lasting impression.

Next, let’s explore the importance of being prepared for an interview.


“Bringing a paper resume to my interviews has been invaluable. It allows me to easily reference my past experiences and demonstrate my qualifications. Plus, it shows that I’m dedicated and well-prepared.” – Jessica Anderson, Marketing Manager

“I can’t stress enough how important it is to bring a paper copy of your resume. Not only does it provide a backup plan in case of technical difficulties, but it also showcases your professionalism and attention to detail.” – David Thompson, Human Resources Director

The Importance of Being Prepared

During a job interview, being well-prepared can make a significant difference in how you are perceived by potential employers. One key aspect of interview preparation is having all the necessary documentation at hand, including a copy of your resume. This simple act can demonstrate your organizational skills, attention to detail, and commitment to the interview process. Employers often request a copy of your resume to gauge your level of preparedness and professionalism. By bringing a paper resume with you, you show that you’ve taken the time to print it out and bring it along, which can leave a positive impression and set you apart from other candidates.

Additionally, having a physical copy of your resume can provide a valuable reference during the interview. It allows you to easily access specific details about your employment history and achievements, ensuring accurate and confident responses to questions. In a highly competitive job market, every advantage counts, and having your resume readily available can give you the edge you need to stand out.

Furthermore, having all the necessary documentation in place showcases your preparedness and professionalism. It demonstrates that you have read the interview instructions carefully and have taken the time to gather the required materials. This level of preparedness can give employers confidence in your ability to handle tasks and responsibilities in the workplace.


  • Bringing a copy of your resume demonstrates preparedness and attention to detail.
  • Having a physical resume allows for quick reference and accurate responses to interview questions.
  • Showcasing preparedness through documentation gives employers confidence in your abilities.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

In conclusion, carrying a paper copy of your resume to a job interview is a strategic move that can have a positive impact on your chances of success. It shows your commitment to the interview process, highlights your organizational skills, and allows for easy reference during the conversation. By being well-prepared and having all the necessary documentation, you position yourself as a serious and professional candidate. So, before you head out to your next interview, remember to print out a copy of your resume and make a strong impression.

interview preparation

Potential Changes in the Interview Plan

Sometimes, the interview plan may change unexpectedly, and the interviewer may ask for a copy of your resume to review or share with other decision-makers. In these situations, having a paper resume can show that you think ahead and are prepared for any scenario. It’s important to have extra copies of your resume and any other relevant materials that you may want to share during the interview.

Being ready for potential changes in the interview plan demonstrates your adaptability and professionalism. By having additional copies of your resume and other materials readily available, you can confidently respond to unforeseen requests from interviewers.

Why having extra copies is important?

Imagine you’re in an interview, and the interviewer wants to share your resume with a colleague or hiring manager who didn’t receive a copy earlier. Or perhaps, they just want to review it again with you. By having extra copies of your resume, you can easily provide them with the requested document.

Additionally, having extra copies of relevant materials allows you to share additional documents, such as a portfolio, certifications, or reference letters, if the opportunity arises. It demonstrates your proactive approach and preparedness, highlighting your dedication to the interview process.

Remember, it’s crucial to bring these extra copies in a professional manner. Consider utilizing a folder or portfolio to keep your documents neat and well-organized. This attention to detail further showcases your professionalism and commitment to making a positive impression during the interview.

Interview Checklist

Items to Bring Importance
Extra copies of your resume Essential
Portfolio or relevant work samples Optional, but highly recommended for certain roles
Certifications or licenses Dependent on the job requirements
Reference letters Useful for showcasing past accomplishments and qualifications

Remember, every interview is unique, and the interviewer’s requirements may vary. It’s crucial to adapt to any potential changes in the interview plan and come prepared with all necessary materials.

interview checklist

Bringing a paper copy of your resume adds a tactile element to the interview process, allowing the interviewer to physically flip through the pages, underline important points, and make personalized notes. This interactive experience can help create a stronger connection between you and the interviewer, enhancing the overall impression of your qualifications.

In addition to refreshing the interviewer’s memory, a physical resume can also serve as a visual cue during the interview. By referring to specific sections or accomplishments in your resume, you can direct the conversation towards your strengths and showcase your relevant experience. This can help you stand out from other candidates who solely rely on digital presentations.

Furthermore, offering a paper copy of your resume demonstrates attention to detail and preparedness. It shows that you’ve considered potential technical glitches or connectivity issues and have taken the necessary precautions to ensure a smooth interview experience. This level of preparedness can leave a positive and lasting impression on the interviewer.

“I find it refreshing when candidates bring a hard copy of their resume to the interview. It adds a personal touch and shows that they value the opportunity. It also allows me to easily refer back to specific details during our discussion.”

– Emily Johnson, Hiring Manager

Connect on a personal level

During an interview, creating a personal connection with the interviewer is essential. By offering a physical resume, you present an opportunity for the interviewer to engage with you on a more personal level. As they flip through the pages and make notes, they may discover shared interests or points of relevance that can lead to a more meaningful conversation.

The act of physically handing over your resume also provides a moment of connection and establishes a more human interaction. This small gesture can contribute to building rapport and making the interview experience more memorable for both parties involved.

While digital resumes have become the norm, bringing a paper copy to the interview can help you stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression. It serves as a refreshing break from technology, allows for a more personal and engaging conversation, and showcases your preparedness and attention to detail. So, when preparing your interview toolkit, don’t forget the power of a well-crafted physical resume.

In-Person Interview Essentials

When attending an in-person interview, it’s essential to bring certain items that will help you be prepared and make a positive impression. Along with a paper copy of your resume – a key interview material – there are several other interview toolkit essentials you should consider bringing:

Directions to the Interview Location

Make sure you have clear directions to the interview location. You can print out the directions or save them on your phone for easy access. Being familiar with the route and allowing ample time for travel will help you avoid any last-minute stress.

A Professional-Looking Bag

Carrying a professional-looking bag to the interview shows that you’re organized and take the interview seriously. Choose a bag that complements your outfit and is large enough to hold all your essentials without looking cluttered.

Breath Mints

Maintaining fresh breath is crucial during an interview. Avoid any unpleasant breath odors by carrying breath mints or chewing gum with you. However, avoid chewing gum during the interview itself, as it can be distracting.

Emergency Items

It’s always good to be prepared for unexpected situations. Consider carrying emergency items such as a small stain remover for any accidental spills on your clothes, Band-Aids for minor cuts or blisters, and any necessary medication you may require.

Extra Copies of Your Resume

In addition to the paper copy of your resume, it’s advisable to bring extra copies. You may encounter multiple interviewers or need additional copies for reference during the interview. Having extra copies ensures you’re well-prepared and can provide a resume whenever needed.

Directions, Water, and Snacks

While you may have saved the directions to the interview location on your phone, it’s wise to print a backup copy just in case you encounter any technical difficulties. Additionally, it’s essential to stay hydrated and energized, so carrying a water bottle and a small snack can help you stay focused and comfortable during the interview.

Interview Materials: Paper copy of your resume
Interview Toolkit Essentials:
  • Directions to the interview location
  • A professional-looking bag
  • Breath mints
  • Emergency items (stain remover, Band-Aids, etc.)
  • Extra copies of your resume
  • Directions, water, and snacks

By ensuring you have these in-person interview essentials, you’ll be ready to tackle any situation that may arise and present yourself as a well-prepared and professional candidate.

interview materials and toolkit

Virtual Interview Essentials

Even for virtual interviews, it’s important to be prepared. Along with a printed copy of your resume, there are several other essential items you should have to ensure a smooth and successful virtual interview experience.

1. Fully Charged Device and Backup Battery

Before your virtual interview, make sure your device is fully charged to avoid any unexpected disruptions. Additionally, having a backup battery can provide peace of mind in case your device’s battery runs low during the interview.

2. Up-to-Date Software and Technical Support

Ensure that all the necessary software applications, such as video conferencing platforms, are up to date on your device. This will help prevent any compatibility or performance issues during the interview. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the technical support options available in case you encounter any technical difficulties during the interview.

3. Quiet and Distraction-Free Environment

Find a quiet and well-lit place for your virtual interview, free from distractions and interruptions. It’s essential to create a professional atmosphere that allows you to focus on the interview and maintain clear communication with the interviewer.

4. Power and Internet Outage Backup Plan

Despite taking precautions, power outages or internet connectivity issues can still occur. It’s crucial to have a backup location available, such as a nearby cafe or library, in case you experience power or internet disruptions during the interview. This ensures that you can quickly switch locations and continue the interview without significant interruptions.

5. Water and a Snack

A virtual interview can be mentally and physically demanding, so it’s important to stay hydrated and nourished. Keep a bottle of water and a small snack nearby to help you stay focused and energized throughout the interview.

Remember, being prepared for a virtual interview is just as important as being prepared for an in-person interview. By following these virtual interview essentials, you can optimize your chances of success and make a positive impression on the interviewer.

Virtual Interview Essentials
Fully Charged Device and Backup Battery Ensure your device is charged and have a backup battery.
Up-to-Date Software and Technical Support Update your software and familiarize yourself with technical support options.
Quiet and Distraction-Free Environment Create a quiet and professional atmosphere for your interview.
Power and Internet Outage Backup Plan Have a backup location in case of power or internet disruptions.
Water and a Snack Stay hydrated and nourished during the interview.

Interview materials

Job Interview Must-Haves

Regardless of the interview format, there are certain items you should always bring with you. These essentials will help you stay organized, prepared, and make a positive impression during your interview.

Here are the must-have items for a successful job interview:

  • Pens and Paper: Bring pens and paper to take notes during the interview and write down key details that you want to remember. This demonstrates your attentiveness and professionalism.
  • Names of the People You’re Meeting With: It’s important to know who you’ll be interviewing with. Write down the names of the individuals you’ll be meeting so that you can address them properly during the interview.
  • Research on the Company and People You’re Interviewing With: Show your enthusiasm and knowledge about the company by conducting thorough research beforehand. Bring printed materials or notes that highlight key points about the company and the individuals you’ll be interviewing with.
  • Your Own Prepared Questions: Prepare a list of thoughtful questions to ask during the interview. This shows your interest in the role and the company and allows you to gather important information.
  • A Portfolio Showcasing Your Work: If applicable, bring a portfolio that showcases your skills and accomplishments. This could include samples of your work, projects you’ve completed, or any other relevant materials that highlight your expertise.
  • Well-Prepared Answers to Common Interview Questions: Practice and prepare well-thought-out answers to common interview questions. This will help you respond confidently and showcase your qualifications and experiences.
  • A Professional-Looking Bag: Choose a professional-looking bag or briefcase to carry all your interview essentials. This adds to your overall professional appearance and helps you stay organized throughout the interview process.

Remember, being well-prepared and having these essential items with you will help you navigate the interview process successfully and increase your chances of landing the job.

interview essentials

Item Importance
Pens and Paper Crucial for note-taking and demonstrating professionalism
Names of the People You’re Meeting With Shows attentiveness and proper address during the interview
Research on the Company and People You’re Interviewing With Highlights your enthusiasm and knowledge about the company
Your Own Prepared Questions Demonstrates interest and helps gather important information
A Portfolio Showcasing Your Work Allows you to showcase your skills and accomplishments
Well-Prepared Answers to Common Interview Questions Enables confident responses showcasing your qualifications
A Professional-Looking Bag Adds to your professional appearance and keeps you organized

What Not to Bring to a Job Interview

While there are essential items to bring to a job interview, there are also things you should leave behind. Remember these pointers to ensure a smooth and distraction-free interview experience:

Silence Your Phone

Avoid any unnecessary distractions by silencing your phone or setting it to airplane mode before your interview. This will help you stay focused and give the interviewer your undivided attention.

Leave Earbuds or Headphones at Home

Unless earbuds or headphones are necessary for a virtual interview, it’s best to leave them at home. They can give the impression that you’re not fully present or engaged in the conversation.

Avoid Strong Perfumes, Colognes, or Aftershaves

While it’s important to make a good impression, it’s equally important not to overwhelm the interviewer with strong scents. Opt for a subtle fragrance or avoid wearing any perfume, cologne, or aftershave altogether.

Avoid Bringing Lunch

Unless specifically instructed or if it’s a lunch interview, it’s best to leave your lunch at home. Bringing your lunch can be inconvenient and may cause spills, potentially distracting you and the interviewer.

By following these guidelines, you can create a professional and distraction-free environment that allows you to focus on the interview and make a positive impression.

Items to Avoid Bringing Reasons
Phone To avoid distractions
Earbuds or headphones Unless necessary for a virtual interview, they can give the impression of disengagement
Strong perfumes, colognes, or aftershaves To prevent overwhelming the interviewer with strong scents
Lunch Unless instructed or a lunch interview, it can be inconvenient and potentially cause spills


Bringing a paper copy of your resume to an interview can greatly enhance your chances of success. Not only does it serve as a reference document, but it also acts as a backup plan in case of technical difficulties. By having a physical copy on hand, you demonstrate your preparedness and attention to detail, which are highly valued by employers.

In addition to your resume, there are other essential items that you should bring to an interview. Having directions to the interview location ensures that you arrive on time and with minimal stress. A professional-looking bag conveys a polished image and allows you to carry your belongings in a neat and organized manner.

It’s also important to consider your personal presentation. Breath mints help ensure fresh breath, while emergency items like stain remover or Band-Aids can save the day in unexpected situations. Lastly, don’t forget to stay hydrated by bringing water and having a snack on hand to keep your energy levels up throughout the interview.

Whether you’re attending an in-person or virtual interview, thorough preparation and organization are key. By bringing the necessary documentation, including your resume, and having essential items at your disposal, you can make a positive impression on the interviewer and increase your chances of securing the job.


Do I need to bring my resume to an interview?

Yes, bringing a paper copy of your resume to an interview is highly recommended. It serves as a reference document, a backup plan, and demonstrates preparedness.

Should I take my resume to an interview?

Absolutely. Having a physical copy of your resume can help you stand out and show that you take the interview seriously. It also allows you to quickly reference your employment history and provide detailed answers.

What are the reasons why I need a paper resume for an interview?

A paper resume can serve as a reference document during the interview, act as a backup plan in case of technical difficulties, and demonstrate preparedness to the interviewer.

How important is it to be prepared for an interview?

Being prepared is essential for a successful interview. It shows your professionalism, attention to detail, and respect for the opportunity. It also helps you answer questions confidently and make a positive impression.

Can the interview plan change unexpectedly?

Yes, the interview plan can change unexpectedly. In such cases, the interviewer may ask for a copy of your resume for review or to share with other decision-makers. Having a paper copy shows that you are prepared for any scenario.

Why is a paper resume a refreshing break from technology during an interview?

Reviewing a physical copy of your resume can help refresh the interviewer’s memory and create a more personal and engaging conversation. It also shows that you have taken the effort to bring a physical copy of your qualifications.

What are the essentials for an in-person interview?

Along with a paper copy of your resume, it is important to bring pens, paper for note-taking, directions to the interview location, a professional-looking bag, breath mints, emergency items, water bottle, and snacks.

What essentials should I have for a virtual interview?

For a virtual interview, you should have a printed copy of your resume, a fully charged device, a backup battery, updated software, a quiet and distraction-free environment, and a backup location in case of technical issues.

What must-haves should I bring to any job interview?

Other essential items to bring include names of the individuals you are meeting with, research on the company and interviewers, prepared questions, a portfolio showcasing your work, well-prepared answers to common interview questions, and a professional-looking bag to carry all your essentials.

What should I avoid bringing to a job interview?

It is best to silence your phone or set it to airplane mode to avoid distractions. Avoid wearing strong perfumes or colognes that may bother the interviewer. Unless it is a lunch interview, avoid bringing your lunch as it may be inconvenient or cause spills.

What are the key takeaways for preparing for an interview?

Bringing a paper copy of your resume is beneficial for reference and preparedness. Other essentials include being well-prepared, organized, and having all the necessary documentation and materials, while avoiding any distractions or unnecessary items.

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